Sunday, November 24, 2013

Innisfil Festival of Lights and The Santa Claus Parade November 2013

This was our very first Santa Claus Parade in Innisfil, and we loved it! 
I really liked that it was done during the day, the weather was beautiful, we had some snow, which made it feel more festive. The floats, businesses and town people were very generous, giving out presents and treats to children! I don't recall ever attending a parade with so much generosity and wonderful atmosphere from everyone. 
Thank you for a great parade! 
I am proud to live in this little town of Innisfil.


XOXO Aneta


  1. you should share these on fb to show Barrie how to do a parade that's more fun and interactive for the kids! How does Dominik like the one piece Snow suite? Paula looks happy. OHH on the one picture I think Kacper has his shoes on wrong..leftie rightie mixed up?

    1. HAHA yeah, he's almost perfect with shoes, but the boots confuse him.
      You are always welcome to share my blog, so if you are on the Barrie page on FB, feel free to paste the link, just click on the certain blog post first, so it's not just the main home page.
      Dominik loves the snow suite. Easy to put on. THANKS!!!

  2. Parada parada, a ja nie moglam podjechac do domu , bo mnie zablokowala.HA HA
    Dzieciom sie podobalo,ale te lizaki to chyba najbardziej.
    Next year we will take a part in it.
    Taka mala miescinka, a tyle sie dzieje.
    Robicie nawet znajomosci z wladza!
    Prosze prosze.
    Fajniutkie fotki

  3. Great pics! Looks like you guys really had a great time. Funny, Santa's wearing sunglasses on his float lol.


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